Welcome to Small Good Hearth, a home & lifestyle blog and interactive platform that seeks to help us all make the most of the wonderful gift of living we’ve been blessed with, even though it’s safe to say that most of us take this gift of life we’ve had all our lives for granted!
So, Small Good Hearth is evolving into a lifelong project that seeks to inspire you and your home as if you were using your ability to see for the very first time. That way you will always seek to find beauty in what you see – beauty that inherently exists in everything under the sun, but also beauty which is often just the preserve of those who know what to look for when utilising their gift of living.

In those instances where it proves to be a bit too challenging to find beauty in what you see around you, Small Good Hearth hopes to inspire you to engage with the environment you find yourself in and perhaps do your bit to shape it into something which pleases your eye. Naturally we all have different tastes in what we perceive to be “easy on the eye,” but there is no doubting the kind of awe-inspiring beauty which is universal, such as how countless guests who perhaps walk through your front door cannot help but comment about the beautifully done-up hallway with the unique art pieces and what not, or in fact how everybody’s heads turn when a dolled-up lass walks into an evening function and they’re spot-on with their dress, make-up, accessories, etc…
Beauty does indeed lie in the eye of the beholder and at Small Good Hearth we simply beg to show you that you are the beholder of your own living space!
What to expect
We specifically sought to make Small Good Hearth a meeting point of the ideas of more than one contributing writer. However, a lot more content than that which is contributed by the three main writers will be featured, although you’ll probably notice a prominently featured style which can be associated with these three main writers.
Otherwise you too can be a contributor to the Small Good Hearth project, where you can visit anytime to extract some valuable information about topics such as loving your space, comfort food, personal style, and mastering the art of entertainment, and lots, lots more…

The coming together of the three main writers was more than a mere coincidence, because ultimately the aim is to bring together what may be similar writing styles, but what will definitely be inspiration-through-design ideas that complement each other beautifully.
Above all else though, the ultimate, ULTIMATE aim of Small Good Hearth is to present you with what may very well be a relatively blank canvas (or a completely blank one), with which you will be inspired with different ideas to paint it up in a way which pleases you the most.
So whether you’re doing up your home interior, you’re freshening up your wardrobe, or you’re engaging in anything which entails owning your personal space and the space around you, you can get all the inspiration you need and more here at Small Good Hearth.