With winter fast approaching us and countries already experiencing a very high level of rainfall now is the optimum time to make those maintenance improvements to your home that will keep you dry. Adding timber cladding to an extension or new build is a great way to help protect the inner section of the home from the elements. Here are some of the best ways to get your home ready for the winter.
- Ensure the cladding of your home is in good condition
When it comes to the external cladding of your home, ensuring it is waterproof is essential to prevent dampness from penetrating the inner walls. This is particularly important for those with timber cladding, as wood is more susceptible to weather-related damage. To protect your timber cladding from rain and extend its lifespan, applying the right treatment is crucial. That said, to achieve the best results, it’s advisable to seek the help of a professional handyman. An experienced handyman who, by the way, can be found by looking up “handyman near me in Caledonia” or similar phrases on the Web, can ensure that the wood is properly treated and that the application is thorough and even. They can also assess the condition of your cladding and recommend the most suitable products for your specific needs.
- Make sure the roof is waterproofed and in good condition
Once you have got your timber cladding sorted it is time to take a look at the roof of your home. Check the condition of the tiles, are they damaged and chipped? If yes, they would need to be replaced by a professional from a company providing roof replacement in Sarasota, FL (in case that is where you live). Failure to do so could lead to extensive leaks in your home which will cause expensive dampness that can potentially damage your belongings.
- Check for high energy costs
A damaged roof can cause a slew of problems that you will need to call in Roofing Contractors to fix. Among all these many issues seems to be that a damaged roof may not be able to keep cold out of your home because of the constant dampness of walls as effectively as it should. This can result in higher-than-average energy consumption as well as higher-than-average energy bills. If you’ve noticed that your energy consumption is higher than it should be, this could be one of the indicators of roof failure.
- For any structural work, get the best materials available
Any structural work for your home needs to be completed to the highest standards. With this considered when getting supplies for your timber cladding and roof make sure you go with a supplier who is well-reviewed with a track record of delivering excellent products to customers. You cannot compromise on the quality of the roof. The Dangers of a Leaky Roof are grave and the homeowner should always make sure that the roof is in good condition by maintaining and repairing it properly.
- Keep the garden tidy before the cold truly sets in
One way to reduce your workload before the winter begins is to get your garden up together before the start of winter. If you are considering sunroom installations in Cedar Falls, IA, or other areas, get this done before winter to provide you with a secure, cozy space for when the cold weather sets in. As well as this, make sure your hedges are trimmed and the grass cut so you don’t have to spend as much time doing it in the cold. We also recommend cleaning out your gutters. This will ensure your roof is properly drained in the event of heavy rain.